
Devi reached home, her heart heavy with the weight of her father's decision looming over her. She hesitated at the doorstep, unsure of how to face her parents after their conversation earlier that morning. Gathering her courage, she entered the house, steeling herself for the confrontation ahead.

Her mother, Suman, was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Devi could see the worry etched on her face as she glanced up at her daughter's entrance. Suman's eyes conveyed a mixture of sympathy and helplessness, understanding the turmoil Devi was going through.

Devi approached her mother, her voice barely above a whisper, "Mom, can we talk?"

Suman nodded, setting aside the utensils she was holding, and led Devi to the living room. The tension in the air was palpable as Devi struggled to find the right words to express her fears and hopes.

"Mom, why is Dad so adamant about this marriage? I'm not ready for it, I want to finish my studies," Devi's voice trembled with emotion.

Suman sighed, her eyes mirroring Devi's inner turmoil. "Your father believes this is the best decision for you, Devi. He thinks it's time for you to settle down and start a family."

"But what about my dreams, Mom? What about what I want?" Devi's frustration bubbled to the surface.

Suman reached out and held Devi's hands, her touch a comforting anchor in the storm raging within her daughter. "I understand, Devi. I want you to chase your dreams too, but your father's decision is final for now. Let's try to talk to him again, maybe he'll listen to reason."

Devi nodded, grateful for her mother's support. Together, they devised a plan to approach Anil once more, hoping to sway his decision or at least buy Devi some time to figure out a solution. But little in her heart she know her father will not listen to then afterall he is dominating personality.

As the evening wore on, the Deshmukh household was filled with unspoken tension, each family member grappling with their own emotions and fears. Devi's heart was heavy, but a flicker of determination burned within her. She refused to let her dreams be crushed so easily.

The night descended, casting a shadow over Devi's future, but amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope shone through. The journey ahead would be challenging, but Devi was ready to fight for her right to choose her own path.

The next chapter in Devi's life was about to unfold, filled with twists and turns, but one thing was certain – she would not give up without a fight.

What you think will Anil agree and cancel her marriage proposal? Or he will fix her marriage?

Will Devi be able to chase her dreams or they will be shuttered?

To be continued...

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I'm a wattpad writer named DeviFics and a ff maker on youtube named as Devi's Fics