
It's been a month Devi is getting comfortable with her new family and college. Ira is also happy.Devi start to open up her shyness is disappearing slowly.

Ira, Devi, Agastya and Anuj got comfortable with each other and now they all are best friends.Devi also got comfortable with Ritik and Ira is trying her level best to make both of them fall for each other.

Devi respect Ritik as a professor.She feel guilty to trap him in a loveless marriage.But she is fell harder and harder for him. Ira always tease her.




Ira and Devi was studying because tomorrow is their test.All already had their dinner.Ritik was in his room preparing for some documents.In the University no one knows about Devi being Ritik's wife.After completing his work he put the laptop aside he looked at time it was 11:54 pm.

He would lie if he say he can live without Devi.She is his responsibility but she has become his habit.He can't get peace without seeing her.He try to sleep but he was not able to.Getting up he went to Ira's room.





He saw both of them studying.He knock on the door to grab their attention.

"Timeout ladies it's time to sleep." Ritik said but looking at Devi's face he assure that she is sad.He look towards Ira and nod his head asking what happened? Ira gesture the problem.Ritik came towards Devi.

"I explain her but she is facing difficulty in understanding." Ira said.Suddenly Ira got a naughty idea she smirk in her mind.

"Bhai please explain it na." Ira said.

"Ok show me which chapter it is." Ritik asked sitting beside Devi.

"Sexual Reproduction." Ira smirk at him.His eyes widen.

"Ok." Ritik try to hide his expressions as he don't want to show it.Taking the book he start to teach them.

"Tell me what you didn't understand?" Ritik asked turning the pages.

"Actually.........I know all definitions but the way it is written in the book

I'm not getting it." Devi sigh in defeat.

"Ok so first is....." Ira cut Ritik's words in between.

"Bhai.....I'm tried I'll go and sleep with mommy." Ira said and fake yawn.

"But...." Ritik was about to say something till that Ira went from there.Before closing the door she smirked and wink at Devi in a tease way.

"So sexual reproduction in human is......"  Now Ritik was hell awkward.First the person in front of him is his wife.

Who is much younger than him.Second her beauty is something which he can't ignore.He came out from his dream land when Devi called him.

"What happened?" Devi asked.

"Nothing.....so where were we?" Ritik said.

"It's normal between couples when a man's dick go inside a girl's vagina then it is called sex." Ritik said in one breathe.

He looked at her and by looking at her face expressions he can assure that she didn't understand anything.Ritik sigh in defeat he is a professor so no matter who is in front of him.He should be able to do his duty.

"Devi let's start from first." Ritik said and Devi put all her attention to him.

"When a man's penis his private part entered in woman's vagina means her private part it is called sex."Ritik took a pause and gesture her whether she understood or not. She nodded as yes.

"Semen means sperm and secreted juices if both sperm and egg unite it form a zygote cell." Ritik turn the pages.

"Form this zygote cell duplication embryo of baby is form." Ritik said.

"Sir...." Devi whisper in low voice.

"My name is Ritik miss Devi." Ritik said in strict voice.

"Ritik.....actually what is mean by the quality of sperm?" Devi asked innocently.

"It means the baby will have some sort of problem from birth.It happens because if the man is much aged." Ritik looked at Devi who was looking sleepy and tired.

"Are you tired?" Ritik asked she hummed.

"If you want you can sleep here." Ritik asked while getting up.Devi picked and arrange all the books.

"No I'm not used to sleep alone in such a big room." Devi said.




Both of them came to their room and without any word they get ready to sleep.Both laid on bed back facing each other.




It was 12o' clock Devi was whining in her sleep.She get a nightmare.

Ritik sleep broke when he saw Devi covered in sweat.Her arms and legs was straight.She was whining but wasn't able to move her body.Ritik know she is suffering from sleep paralysis.

He tired to get her up.But she didn't move a bit, her whines was getting louder.He hugged her close to his heart.After sometime when she calm down she body turn loose.He grab some water and sprinkle it on her face.

"Devi.....Devi.......get up please." Ritik said in his softest voice.

Devi whine and open her eyes.Ritik cupped her face.

"What happened?" Ritik whisper. As soon as this words came out  from his mouth Devi burst out.

Ritik hugged her and pull her more close.Caressing her back he try to calm her down.

"I'm sorry I'm not fulfilling your needs." When this words escape from her mouth Ritik broke the hug and looked at her in surprise.

"As a wife I should have complete my duty and should have give you your every right as a husband but..

I failed badly as a wife."  Devi cried more.

"Devi first calm down and tell me who said this to you?" Ritik asked as he know Devi can't say all these things by herself.

"In afternoon I went to my home because I was missing my Aai baba, they asked me if I gave myself to you.When I told we didn't did it. They........they.."Devi sob in between.Ritik hold her hand.

"Dad beat me, he is bad.....don't listen to him." Devi said but Ritik furrowed at her words.

"What do you mean Devi?" Ritik took her face in his palm.

"He want me to divorce you." Devi said Ritik's eyes widen.

"What!!!" Words escape from his mouth unknowingly.

"He want alimony from you after our divorce, so he want me to do it with you so he will blackmail you and accuse you for rape."

Devi was still crying.Ritik got up and pouring water in a glass he handle it to her.

"Believe me I never thought to  do something like this.Don't punish me please." Her body was shivering hard.

"Drink it." Ritik said in stern voice Devi got a little scared and gasp all water in one breathe.Putting the empty glass aside Ritik sat near her.

"It's been a one month and you still didn't understand me right?" Ritik asked.He looked in her moist eyes.

"I won't.....I won't." Ritik said.

"No I'm wrong I'm bad I......I don't deserve this family, the love which your family giving me." Devi said.

"No you are not bad, the love which you are receiving you deserve it." Ritik caress her cheek softly.

"Believe me." He mumbled.Devi nodded she feel secure, safe and an unknown pleasure with him.He was about to get up and she hold his sleeve with a pinch.

"Please don't go." She whisper in pleased voice. Ritik hummed and made her lay on the bed properly. He too lay beside her and hugged her.She snuggled more in his chest feeling the warmness she never feel.Both fell asleep.

Next morning Devi got up first.She found her self in her husband's embrace which was warm for her. She feel like safest place for herself.

She didn't feel to leave it at any cost but today she have to go for college. She free herself from his embrace but due to movement Ritik's sleep broke and he woke.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." Devi said.

"It's ok good morning." Ritik said stretching his arms wide.

"Are you ok?" Ritik asked she just hummed at his words.

"I'll take shower first." Devi said and rush to washroom.




All were silently having their breakfast. When Yamini broke the silence.

"So....when you both are planning for your honeymoon?" Yamini asked.Ritik choked on his food.

"What happened?You both should spend sometime together." Yamini added.

"But Ma..." Ritik was about to speak when Devi pass him a glass of water.

"Actually soon my exams will start and I'm preparing for that so after that we will decide." Devi said Ritik looked at her with amazed.

After that everyone silently had their breakfast. Ira smirks in her mind she was sitting in front on Ritik, Devi was beside her.So she forward her leg and caress his leg.

Ritik choke on his drink.

"What happened beta?" Yamini pat his back.

"Aren't  you choking a lot today?" Ira tease him.Devi slap her arm lightly.Devi whisper shutup.Poor Ritik thought Devi was doing this.

"What come into the mind of this girl that she is doing this?" Ritik thought. It's been a month Devi is getting comfortable with her new family and college. Ira is also happy.Devi start to open up her shyness is disappearing slowly.

Ira, Devi, Agastya and Anuj got comfortable with each other and now they all are best friends.Devi also got comfortable with Ritik and Ira is trying her level best to make both of them fall for each other.

Devi respect Ritik as a professor.She feel guilty to trap him in a loveless marriage.But she is fell harder and harder for him. Ira always tease her.




Ira and Devi was studying because tomorrow is their test.All already had their dinner.Ritik was in his room preparing for some documents.

In the University no one knows about Devi being Ritik's wife.After completing his work he put the laptop aside he looked at time it was 11:54 pm. He would lie if he say he can live without Devi.

She is his responsibility but she has become his habit.He can't get peace without seeing her.He try to sleep but he was not able to.Getting up he went to Ira's room.




He saw both of them studying.He knock on the door to grab their attention.

"Timeout ladies it's time to sleep." Ritik said but looking at Devi's face he assure that she is sad.He look towards Ira and nod his head asking what happened? Ira gesture the problem.Ritik came towards Devi.

"I explain her but she is facing difficulty in understanding." Ira said.Suddenly Ira got a naughty idea she smirk in her mind.

"Bhai please explain it na." Ira said.

"Ok show me which chapter it is." Ritik asked sitting beside Devi.

"Sexual Reproduction." Ira smirk at him.His eyes widen.

"Ok." Ritik try to hide his expressions as he don't want to show it.Taking the book he start to teach them.

"Tell me what you didn't understand?" Ritik asked turning the pages.

"Actually.........I know all definitions but the way it is written in the book

I'm not getting it." Devi sigh in defeat.

"Ok so first is....." Ira cut Ritik's words in between.

"Bhai.....I'm tried I'll go and sleep with mommy." Ira said and fake yawn.

"But...." Ritik was about to say something till that Ira went from there.Before closing the door she smirked and wink at Devi in a tease way.

"So sexual reproduction in human is......"  Now Ritik was hell awkward.First the person in front of him is his wife.Who is much younger than him.

Second her beauty is something which he can't ignore.He came out from his dream land when Devi called him.

"What happened?" Devi asked.

"Nothing.....so where were we?" Ritik said.

"It's normal between couples when a man's dick go inside a girl's vagina then it is called sex." Ritik said in one breathe.

He looked at her and by looking at her face expressions he can assure that she didn't understand anything.Ritik sigh in defeat he is a professor so no matter who is in front of him.He should be able to do his duty.

"Devi let's start from first." Ritik said and Devi put all her attention to him.

"When a man's penis his private part entered in woman's vagina means her private part it is called sex."Ritik took a pause and gesture her whether she understood or not. She nodded as yes.

"Semen means sperm and secreted juices if both sperm and egg unite it form a zygote cell." Ritik turn the pages.

"Form this zygote cell duplication embryo of baby is form." Ritik said.

"Sir...." Devi whisper in low voice.

"My name is Ritik miss Devi." Ritik said in strict voice.

"Ritik.....actually what is mean by the quality of sperm?" Devi asked innocently.

"It means the baby will have some sort of problem from birth.It happens because if the man is much aged." Ritik looked at Devi who was looking sleepy and tired.

"Are you tired?" Ritik asked she hummed.

"If you want you can sleep here." Ritik asked while getting up.Devi picked and arrange all the books.

"No I'm not used to sleep alone in such a big room." Devi said.




Both of them came to their room and without any word they get ready to sleep.Both laid on bed back facing each other.




It was 12o' clock Devi was whining in her sleep.She get a nightmare.

Ritik sleep broke when he saw Devi covered in sweat.Her arms and legs was straight.She was whining but wasn't able to move her body.Ritik know she is suffering from sleep paralysis.He tired to get her up.But she didn't move a bit, her whines was getting louder.He hugged her close to his heart.After sometime when she calm down she body turn loose.He grab some water and sprinkle it on her face.

"Devi.....Devi.......get up please." Ritik said in his softest voice.

Devi whine and open her eyes.Ritik cupped her face.

"What happened?" Ritik whisper. As soon as this words came out  from his mouth Devi burst out.

Ritik hugged her and pull her more close.Caressing her back he try to calm her down.

"I'm sorry I'm not fulfilling your needs." When this words escape from her mouth Ritik broke the hug and looked at her in surprise.

"As a wife I should have complete my duty and should have give you your every right as a husband but..

I failed badly as a wife."  Devi cried more.

"Devi first calm down and tell me who said this to you?" Ritik asked as he know Devi can't say all these things by herself.

"In afternoon I went to my home because I was missing my Aai baba, they asked me if I gave myself to you.When I told we didn't did it. They........they.."Devi sob in between.Ritik hold her hand.

"Dad beat me, he is bad.....don't listen to him." Devi said but Ritik furrowed at her words.

"What do you mean Devi?" Ritik took her face in his palm.

"He want me to divorce you." Devi said Ritik's eyes widen.

"What!!!" Words escape from his mouth unknowingly.

"He want alimony from you after our divorce, so he want me to do it with you so he will blackmail you and accuse you for rape." Devi was still crying.Ritik got up and pouring water in a glass he handle it to her.

"Believe me I never thought to  do something like this.Don't punish me please." Her body was shivering hard.

"Drink it." Ritik said in stern voice Devi got a little scared and gasp all water in one breathe.Putting the empty glass aside Ritik sat near her.

"It's been a one month and you still didn't understand me right?" Ritik asked.He looked in her moist eyes.

"I won't.....I won't." Ritik said.

"No I'm wrong I'm bad I......I don't deserve this family, the love which your family giving me." Devi said.

"No you are not bad, the love which you are receiving you deserve it." Ritik caress her cheek softly.

"Believe me." He mumbled.Devi nodded she feel secure, safe and an unknown pleasure with him.He was about to get up and she hold his sleeve with a pinch.

"Please don't go." She whisper in pleased voice. Ritik hummed and made her lay on the bed properly. He too lay beside her and hugged her.She snuggled more in his chest feeling the warmness she never feel.Both fell asleep.

Next morning Devi got up first.She found her self in her husband's embrace which was warm for her. She feel like safest place for herself.

She didn't feel to leave it at any cost but today she have to go for college. She free herself from his embrace but due to movement Ritik's sleep broke and he woke.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." Devi said.

"It's ok good morning." Ritik said stretching his arms wide.

"Are you ok?" Ritik asked she just hummed at his words.

"I'll take shower first." Devi said and rush to washroom.








All were silently having their breakfast. When Yamini broke the silence.

"So....when you both are planning for your honeymoon?" Yamini asked.Ritik choked on his food.

"What happened?You both should spend sometime together." Yamini added.

"But Ma..." Ritik was about to speak when Devi pass him a glass of water.

"Actually soon my exams will start and I'm preparing for that so after that we will decide." Devi said Ritik looked at her with amazed.After that everyone silently had their breakfast.

Ira smirks in her mind she was sitting in front on Ritik, Devi was beside her.So she forward her leg and caress his leg.

Ritik choke on his drink.

"What happened beta?" Yamini pat his back.

"Aren't  you choking a lot today?" Ira tease him.Devi slap her arm lightly.Devi whisper shutup.Poor Ritik thought Devi was doing this.

"What come into the mind of this girl that she is doing this?" Ritik thought.

Devi and Ira went to college.Ritik too went but in different car.While going he was thinking about his mom's word.

Devi and Ira went to college.Ritik too went but in different car.While going he was thinking about his mom's word.

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I'm a wattpad writer named DeviFics and a ff maker on youtube named as Devi's Fics