
Flash back

School campus

" Hey so this year you are going to top." A boy said slapping his friend's shoulder roughly.

" Let's not like that." His friend smiled nervously.

" So she is also here right?" The third person entered.

" Who?" His friend asked

" Arre Yaar Ravish, you forgot? Kavin's crush? " Kavin smiled while blushing.

" Look someone is blushing." His friend tease him.

" Shut up yaar Ram." Kavin said trying hard to hide his red cheeks.

" Look Devi is there." Ram pointed at the entrance of the school.

Devi entered in the campus with the neat and tidy uniform with her hairs tie in a ponytail. Her skin tone was shining in the sunlight. Kavin was lost in her, he didn't realised that he was staring at her like a mad.

Soon Devi disappeared from his sight. Ravish, Ram and Kavin was the best friend trio of the school. They were from a upper rich family. They were average students but all three were excellent in sports and other physical activities.

Flash back end.

Devi entered inside the cabin. She forward her CV to Kavin. He didn't spoke anything. But showed his expressions as he was impressed by her CV.

" So last question for you." Devi smiled with nervousness Kavin was observing her expression.

" Congratulations Ms. Devi you are selected but I will love it if you will be my secretary because I need one." Devi smiled, Kavin forwards his hand and Devi gladly accept it.

" So from when you will start your work?" Kavin asked with a genuine expression.

" Tomorrow." Devi said with confidence. Both bid a good bye and Devi took her leave. Kavin lean back and was thinking about her.

" She has changed a lot." He said memorizing her body which has completed grown as a woman.

He still remember how he used to check her secretly, admiring her was his daily job. From there school time to now, his heart still beat for her. After a long time life has given him another chance to get his love. He still has chance to make her, his completely.






At the Desai Mansion.

" You got a job?" Ira shouted when Devi shut her mouth with her hand.

" Shhh...... why are you shouting?" Devi asked removing her hand from Ira's mouth.

" Did anyone from family know about it?" Ira put a popcorn in her mouth, munching it loudly.

" No, I'll tell them during dinner, how annoying it will be?" Devi took the bucket from Ira and start to eat the left over. They were watching a movie together, spending their bestie time. Because from many days they were missing each other's company.

" How is your relation going on?" Devi shift her attention from screen to Ira who was already looking at Devi.

" He is trying hard but I am not forgiving him." Devi sigh and looked at the screen.

" When are you planning to forgive him?" Ira asked.

" I don't know, maybe until I am satisfied." Ira didn't spoke anything so Devi furrowed and looked at her. Ira was giving a naughty smirk to Devi.

" You dirty minded, bitch." Devi took a pillow and start to hit Ira with a pillow. Ira also took a pillow, and both start a pillow fight. After fighting for like half an hour both laid on bed close to each other.






In Their room

Devi was chatting on her phone with Kabir. She was more than excited to share the news about her job to him.

In the chat

" Hey Kabutar I got a job!!!"

" What? And you are telling me now?"


" Let party then."

" But how?"

" Because I am in Mumbai."

"What? And you are telling me now? Hell I am going to beat your ass for hiding this from me."

"Sorry I was stucked in my family problem. I want to tell you about everything badly."

" Let met up then."

"Sure, send me location and time."

End of the chat

With this they ended the chat but Devi was so busy in talking with him, that she didn't realised that Ritik had already entered inside the room. Now she was scrolling though the details about her new company. Ritik stood infront of her.

Now she felt the presence of the person in the same room. She looked at him with ' What? ' expression.

" Can I sit here?" He asked innocently. Devi was stunt to speak. In his own bedroom he have to ask from her to sit on his own bed. Devi felt like guilt rush through her veins.

" You don't need to ask to me for sitting on your own bed." She said.

" I need to because....." Ritik was still standing when Devi hold his wrist and pull him down to get settled on bed.

" I didn't got time to congratulate you properly." Ritik looked into her eyes.

" Congratulations." He whispered with a sweet smile.

" I am happy for you, you got a job and soon you will earn by your own. Soon you will be independent." Devi smiled looking at him. She quickly hugged him and hid her face in his neck. Ritik got shocked and froze at firstĀ  due to her sudden action.

But when reality hit him, he wrap his arms around her small waist.

" Thank you Ritik." She whisper still hiding her head in his neck but due to this, her lips was touching his neck which send shiver run down to his spine. Devi pulled back, and sat on bed properly.

She saw her husband who's cheeks was burning due to the blood rushing through his cheeks. In this few years of their marriage they never had any physical interaction. Ritik always keep himself away from her because he didn't wanted his lust to get over his responsibility. After all he was a 25 year old man, who too has many desires. She was just 19 when they got married.


Oh God, she is making me go crazy, I kept myself away from her after our marriage because she was just 19 years old. At that time if I had took our relationship futher then it might have possible that she would regret it later.

Her raw age and lack of knowledge in understanding about human nature and greed. Due to this she was thinking about her attraction as a love. She just thought she love me because I was helping her and taking care of her. I want her to love with me her heart not because I am her husband. Also one of the reason was her dad, who was stuffing rubbish things in her mind.

But now when everything is fine, soon I will make her forgive me and then I will love her more than anything. OMG her body has grown as a women now. She looks like the hottest female alive now. How am I going to control my make hormones?

Ritik was thinking about all this when Devi bite his finger and he hiss in pain.

" Where were you lost? I was calling you from 5 minutes." Devi asked furrowing her eyebrows.

" I was thinking about something." Ritik answered but Devi was not satisfied with his answer.

Suddenly Ritik remembered about something.

" Wait here I have something for you." Ritik rush towards his wardrobe and opening the locker he pulled out few gifts. He took the bunch of gifts and place them all on bed.

" What are these?" Devi asked with a furrowed.

" I brought this for you on each day I felt special for you." The sincerity was visible in his eyes. His words was coated with sugar and honey. He forwarded a medium size white gift box with green shaded hearts painted on it with a pink and green ribbon and bows.

" This was for the first day of your college." Devi hesitately took it. She was just staring at it.

" Open it." Her trace broke, she nodded and she start to unwrap the gift box. Her eyes widen when she show the gift. Tears of happiness clouded in her eyes.

Devi held the statue of Natraj ( Lord Shiva ) and touch her forehead to his feets.

" This is so beautiful." Ritik smiled looking at Devi. She got up and put the statue on her study table. She join her hands again and whispered a thanks. She again settle on bed. Ritik forward the another gift it was smallest among all. The box was plain baby pink colored. With a queen pink bow and ribbon. She opened the box and she saw her dream inside.

What was inside the small box?

What is her dream?

Does Kavin still like Devi?

Did Devi remember Kavin?

To be continued..............................

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I'm a wattpad writer named DeviFics and a ff maker on youtube named as Devi's Fics