Let's couple it up

When Kavin didn't say anything for a long time Devi snap her fingers infront of his face.

" What happened?" Devi asked looking at his sudden change in behavior.

" Hu.... hus........husband? You are getting marry?" Kavin asked still in shock.

" Yes, to the love of my life." Devi blush a little. A small tint of pink color was visible on her cheek.

Kavin was shocked after listening to her. His heart broke in millions of pieces. He can't imagine that, the day which was going to be a special day for him.

Is the same day, his heart broke badly. He just excused himself and went to washroom to clear his mind.

After taking 45 minutes in washroom, Kavin wash his face and calm his mind. He settled on his seat.

" Sir, when will your business partner come? It's been a long." Devi asked.

" They cancelled the plan, so let's have our lunch." Kavin pass a smile to her.

Both order food and soon it arrived, they start to eat it while talking to each other.

" Sir, I want to invite you for my marriage, please do come." Devi said with a smile to which Kavin nodded his head.

Both finish their food and again drive off to their office.






Inside Kavin's office

Kavin was resting his head on the back of his chair, thinking about today's incident he keep cursing his fate.

But the chain of his thoughts got broken when his phone ring catch his attention. He saw the caller ID, and quickly pick the call.

" Hello Maa." He whispered.

" What happened your voice seems down?" His mother asked.

" Nothing Maa, why you called me?" Kavin asked.

" I know that you said not to talk about this things but Kavin, believe me that girl will be a good match to you." His mother voice was mixed with excited and nervousness.

" Mom, I will marry call her today, I want to meet her." Kavin said which shocked his mother.

" WHAT? Am I really talking to Kavin?" His mother said earning a chuckled from his side.

" OK come at sharp 8 pm, ok?" His mother asked to which he whispered a small OK.

Bidding a bye to each other, Kavin cut the call, but soon a notification popped on his phone.

He opened it only to find that his mother has send him the photo of that girl. Kavin was not in the mood, so he didn't saw her photo.






After the office

The office time was over, half of the employees went, and half were waiting for their bus to arrive.

But our Devi was waiting for her professor husband. Soon a blacked colour lavish car catch the attention of people of surrounding.

The window slid down and Devi saw her husband. She smiled and opening the car door she sat near the driver seat.

" How was your day?" He asked and drove off the car from the area.

" It was more like boring." She said and glance at him.

He was wearing a semi black jeans paired with a light grey t-shirt under his sand grey shirt. He was wearing white sports shoes with a smart watch tied around his wrist.

Devi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She was thinking about something.

" You never wore this kind of clothes." Unknownly she blabbered these words.

" I thought you like it?" He said without looking at her. She analysis his words for a minute.


Did he wore these clothes for me? I never saw him even wearing a t-shirt because he always wore shirts even when we are sleeping.

But today he looks different, this was not his cup of tea. His choices in clothes were always mature like professor that he is.

Wait? Did he wear them for me? But why? Is he start to be insecure about his looks or age? Oh no, stop assuming things on your own Devi.

Should I ask him about it? What if he feel bad? No I will comfort him if that's the case.

She came out from her thoughts, she saw they were not on the route to their home.

" Where we are going?" She asked curiously.

" For dinner." He said.

" OK, I will message someone, that we will have our dinner outside." She took her phone and drop a text to Ira. In no time she got a reply from her.

" Enjoy your date " With a wink emoji. Devi smiled at her cuteness. She put her phone back.

Soon both reached at a restaurant, it was a fancy with all luxurious built. Devi was scanning the whole restaurant they entered inside.

The restaurant was not too lavish but it was of modern interior design. Everything here was cozy and costly. The most best feature of the restaurant was it's colour pallette.

" Welcome to my brother from another mother and my dear Bhabhi." A handsome man came forward to welcome them with a bouquet of pink lilies.

" Devi, meet my classmate Yug Rajput." Ritik introduce his friend to his wife.

" Nice to meet you." Devi whispered in her sweet voice.

" So sweet, this old man got a angel for himself." Yug said teasing Ritik.

" BTW, bhabhi I own this restaurant so I personally came for your service." Yug forward his hand.

Devi looked at Ritik then again at Yug's hand, forcing a small smile on her lips. She shake her hand with his.

All walked towards the table, Yug was guiding them. Trio sat on their seats.

" Bhaiya, don't call me bhabhi I am younger than you." Devi said earning a confused look from him.

" It's ok 2-3 Years gap doesn't matter." He said shrugging off.

" She is 22." Ritik said in between.

" Just 22.............. wait what? You are 22?" Yug said literally shouted.

The people present there start to looked at him who was sitting there with surprised expression.

" I know you are not human but that doesn't mean you will shout like a monkey in public place." A voice grab their attention.

They looked back only to find two couples standing.

" Hey how dare you? You called me monkey?" Yug asked crossing his hands over his chest.

" Sorry, I didn't mean to insult monkey." He said and laugh.

" Virat sir don't tease my little brother." His wife warned him.

Yug gave Sai a proud look and pass a devilish smile to Virat

" Did you forget us?" Abhimanyu said and give a side hug to Ritik.

" Wait, who is this beauty?" Abhimanyu's gaze fell on Devi.

Feeling his gaze on her, Devi felt a little uncomfortable. She hold the sleeves of Ritik's denim shirt.

Ritik was surprised looking at Devi's action, for a moment he saw his old Devi holding his sleeves. The same innocent face and purest eyes.

" Don't be scared he is my friend Abhimanyu Birla and his wife Akshara Birla." Ritik introduced them.

" And they are Inspector Virat Chavan and Doctor Sai Chavan." Ritik introduce everyone to Devi.

" And everybody, she is my wife Devi Ritik Desai." Ritik forward her a little.

" What you got married?" Sai said with a amazed voice.

" Will you all just talk by standing? Won't you take your seats?" Yug grab everyone's attention. They smiled looking at him and all the three couples and Yug settle on a Table.

" Wow, Ritik you are looking much younger than your age, even you changed your dressing sense." Akshara said while analysing Ritik from top to bottom.

" Yeah, but you said this dressing is something which kids these days do." Virat said.

" Yeah, but little change won't damage anything?" Ritik raised his eyebrow.

" Of course." Both Akshara and Sai said at same time.

Devi too was reciprocating, but not much. She was feeling good after much time. The vibes were something she was liking. They were friendly.

Even if they all were much elder than her, still they made her feel comfortable around them.

" BTW, how you two got married I mean, she is much younger than you?" Sai asked out of curiosity.

" We had arranged marriage, plus our grandfather was friends." Ritik sip his wine.

" How amazing just like fictions." Akshara said excitedly.

Soon they had their dinner and all bid a good bye to each other.






In the car

Both Devi and Ritik was going back to their Mansion, but Ritik stop the car in front of an ice-cream parlor.

Without saying anything, he went out inside ice-cream parlor, leaving Devi alone in car. Soon He came back with one black current ice-cream in his hand.

He handled her ice-cream, a smile appear on her lips looking at her favourite ice-cream. She happy start to ate it.

" Won't you eat?" She forward the eaten ice-cream towards his mouth.

" I don't like sweets." Devi made a face 'o', she shrugged her shoulders and continued eating her ice cream.

" Would you like to watch sunset with me?" Devi looked at him and nodded her head happily.

Ritik driver towards the sunset point, and after parking the car. They walked towards the point.

Both were settle down on sand, Devi looked around only to find many couple hugging each other, some were sitting on each other's lap.

She found it cute but also getting uncomfortable with their actions. She moved her gaze towards the sunset.

"Devi.." He called her name and took her hand in his, caressing it lovely.

" I don't know what will happen after or in future. But can we stay like a real couple till we divorce?" He looked at her.

Like he was reading her thoughts through her eyes. He gulp hard, when he saw her eyes getting little moist.

" I also want to live the moments which we missed." Devi said and Ritik pulled her in his arms hugging her.

They turn their eyes to the drowning sun, the warmess of orange and yellow was spread in the atmosphere.

The mild breeze was hitting, The sky transformed into a kaleidoscope of warm hues - oranges, pinks, and purples - as the sun began its slow descent into the sea.

The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the sound of seagulls flying overhead.

Ritik turned to Devi, his eyes shining with adoration. "You know, every sunset I watch with you is more breathtaking than the last."

Devi's heart fluttered. "It's because the beauty of the world is magnified when I'm with you," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

As the sun dipped lower, casting a golden glow over the waves. The world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the magic of the moment.



To be continued..............................

How is the chapter readers, tell me in comments........

Do you guys want me to describe some more about Kavin and the girl he is getting married to?

Do you like the colab between Abhimanyu-Akshara and Virat-Sai?

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I'm a wattpad writer named DeviFics and a ff maker on youtube named as Devi's Fics